
Showing posts from April, 2020

Digital Marketing

Get the domain part of the email address

SELECT SUBSTRING(email, LOCATE('@', email) + 1) AS domain FROM contacts;

aptitude test

aptitude test

The Glassdoor Job Market Report provides a real-time view of job and hiring trends and wage growth based on jobs and salaries

Use to retrieve public IP address

Use to retrieve public IP address 

Deleting UFW rules

Deleting UFW rules by rule number sudo ufw status numbered Removing UFW rules by specification sudo ufw delete allow 2222

Protecting multiple SSH ports with Fail2ban

In /etc/fail2ban/jail.local : [ssh] enabled  = true port     = ssh,sftp,1234,2222

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has temporarily expanded the Canada Summer Jobs Program (CSJP) to employ up to 70,000 more people

Canadian Federation of Students chairperson Sofia Descalzi said students will choose to work and gain experience if jobs are available.

Adding your SSH key to the ssh-agent

# start the ssh-agent in the background $ eval $(ssh-agent -s)   $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa Or  $ ssh-add to add your default key

Apple is delaying production of its new 2020 iPhone models due to a slump in demand

Remove Docker Images

docker rmi image_id_1 image_id_2 image

Install Docker From a standard Ubuntu Repository

sudo apt install

Fixed Unit docker.service could not be found on Ubuntu installed by snap

Temporary solution: Run the command export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin Permanent solution: Edit /etc/environment and add /snap/bin in the list then restart your system. From $ Docker snap: Docker Linux container runtime. Due to the confinement issues on snappy, it requires some manual setup to make docker-snap works on your machine. We'll take you through the steps needed to set up docker snap work for you on ubuntu core and ubuntu classic. On Ubuntu classic, before installing the docker snap, please run the following command to add the login user into docker group.     sudo addgroup --system docker     sudo adduser $USER docker     newgrp docker On Ubuntu Core 16, after installing the docker snap from store, you need to connect the home interface as it's not auto-connected by default.     sudo snap connect docker:home :home Then have fun with docker in snappy. ubuntu@ip-172-31-8-122:~$  sudo docker run hello-world Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally

Reload /etc/environment without rebooting

Either the following two ways: ubuntu@ip-172-31-8-122:~$ for env in $( cat /etc/environment ); do export $(echo $env | sed -e 's/"//g'); done ubuntu@ip-172-31-8-122:~$ sed 's/^/export /' /etc/environment > /tmp/ && source /tmp/

Canada lost 1,011,000 jobs in March, unemployment rises to 7.8%

Statistics Canada reports the economy lost 1,011,000 jobs in March as the COVID-19 crisis began to take hold

US temporarily suspends immigration

Canada lost more than one million jobs in March, StatsCan reports

Install Docker Compose on CentOS/Fefora

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-5-206 my]$ sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed 100   638  100   638    0     0   3112      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3112 100 11.1M  100 11.1M    0     0  9560k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 13.2M [ec2-user@ip-172-31-5-206 my]$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose [ec2-user@ip-172-31-5-206 my]$ docker-compose --version docker-compose version 1.23.1, build b02f1306

Language Go Hello World

package main import " fmt " func main () { fmt. Println ( " hello world " ) }

Make a MySQL session read-only.


Jenkins X extends Jenkins further by adding comprehensive Kubernetes integration.

Jenkins X Pipelines are built on Tekton Pipelines, which aid in running CI/CD pipelines on Kubernetes. You can configure your pipeline using a jenkins-x.yml file (compared to a traditional Jenkinsfile). Jenkins X also provides build packs, which can help package source code into images that can then be deployed to Kubernetes.

Read from STDIN in Groovy

print " What is your name? " def name = System . in . newReader() . readLine() println " Your name is " + name Exmaple: $ groovy hello.goovy What is your name? Goyun Your name is Goyun

Hello World in Goovy

Inside: hello_world.groovy print "Hello World!\n" Run $ groovy hello_world.groovy

Groovy: “Unable to locate package” while trying to install packages with APT

Run sudo apt-get update Example: root@2d91134ff240:/# groovy -v bash: groovy: command not found root@2d91134ff240:/# apt -y install groovy Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package groovy root@2d91134ff240:/# apt -y install groovy Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package groovy root@2d91134ff240:/#  apt-get update

Reset User Password in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Ubuntu

Open a command prompt or PowerShell. Then change the default user to root for the WSL Ubuntu  ubuntu config --default-user root Use the following command to change the former default user's password: passwd <username> Switch back your former user: ubuntu config --default-user <username>

Setting Windows File Associations to Open .JNLP Files Properly

Close any Collaborate session or recording windows. Open the Windows Control Panel and go into Programs and Features. Check the list of programs to ensure that Java is already installed on the system. If it isn't installed, please download and install Java from before proceeding. Download a new Collaborate meeting or recording file but don't launch the file yet. Locate the meeting or recording .jnlp file in your Downloads folder. Right-click on the file and choose Open with then click Choose another app. If you see Java (TM) Web Start Launcher in this list (you may need to click More apps to expand the list), select it and check the box that says Always use this app to open .jnlp files then click the OK button. If Java (TM) Web Start Launcher is not in the list, check the box that says Always use this app to open .collab files then click Look for another app on this PC. Navigate to the following location: c:\program files\java\jreXXX\bin XXX represents a number tha

Server-Side Configuration for SSH Port Forwarding

The AllowTcpForwarding option in the OpenSSH server configuration file must be enabled on the server to allow port forwarding. By default, forwarding is allowed. Possible values for this option are yes or all to allow all TCP forwarding,  no to prevent all TCP forwarding,  local to allow local forwardings, and  remote to allow remote forwardings. Another option of interest is AllowStreamLocalForwarding, which can be used to forward Unix domain sockets. It allows the same values as AllowTcpForwarding. The default is yes. For example:     AllowTcpForwarding remote     AllowStreamLocalForwarding no The GatewayPorts configuration option also affects remote port forwardings. Possible values were no (only local connections from server host allowed; default),  yes (anyone on the Internet can connect to remote forwarded ports),  clientspecified (client can specify an IP address that can connect, anyone can if not specified).

Fix “SSH Too Many Authentication Failures” Error

To fix this error, you need to add the IdentitiesOnly with a value of yes, which instructs ssh to only use the authentication identity files specified on the command line or the configured in the ssh_config file(s), even if ssh-agent offers additional identities. For example: $ ssh -o IdentitiesOnly=yes goyun Alternatively, if you want this to work for all ssh client connections, you can configure it in your ~/.ssh/config file. $ vim ~/.ssh/config Add the following configuration in the file, under the Host * section as shown in the screesnhot. Host *         IdentitiesOnly=yes

tmux shortcuts and cheatsheet

start new: tmux start new with session name: tmux new -s myname attach: tmux a  #  (or at, or attach) attach to named: tmux a -t myname list sessions: tmux ls kill session: tmux kill-session -t myname Kill all the tmux sessions: tmux ls | grep : | cut -d. -f1 | awk '{print substr($1, 0, length($1)-1)}' | xargs kill In tmux, hit the prefix ctrl+b (my modified prefix is ctrl+a) and then: List all shortcuts to see all the shortcuts keys in tmux simply use the bind-key ? in my case that would be CTRL-B ? Sessions :new<CR>  new session s  list sessions $  name session Windows (tabs) c  create window w  list windows n  next window p  previous window f  find window ,  name window &  kill window Panes (splits) %  vertical split "  horizontal split o  swap panes q  show pane numbers x  kill pane +  break pane into window (e.g. to select text by mouse to copy) -  restore pane from window ⍽  space - toggle between layouts <prefix> q (Show pane numbers, when the number

Show indexes for a MySQL table



MySQL LOW_PRIORITY only affects storage engines which use table-level locking, like MyISAM and MEMORY. None of those engines support foreign key constraints.

United Nations says virus could wipe out equivalent of 195 million jobs worldwide

Ledger to Accept Digital Currency Payments via’s App

Site Kit by Google

Site Kit Google's official WordPress plugin Get insights about how people find and use your site, how to improve, and monetize your content, directly in your WordPress dashboard

MySQL ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Change innodb_lock_wait_timeout Property Value Command-Line Format --innodb-lock-wait-timeout=# System Variable innodb_lock_wait_timeout Scope Global, Session Dynamic Yes Type Integer Default Value 50 Minimum Value 1 Maximum Value 1073741824 The length of time in seconds an InnoDB transaction waits for a row lock before giving up. The default value is 50 seconds. A transaction that tries to access a row that is locked by another InnoDB transaction waits at most this many seconds for write access to the row before issuing the following error: ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Fixed: Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts

$ sudo chown -v $USER ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Sync iPhone using Wi-Fi

After you set up syncing with iTunes using USB, you can set up iTunes to sync to your device with Wi-Fi instead of USB. Connect your device to your computer with a USB cable, then open iTunes and select your device.  Click Summary on the left side of the iTunes window.  Select "Sync with this [device] over Wi-Fi."  Click Apply. When the computer and the device are on the same Wi-Fi network, the device appears in iTunes. The device 

Google API multiple scopes

To set multiple scopes, set the scope parameter to multiple scopes, each separated by a single space. Example: private static final List<String> SCOPES = Collections.singletonList(BloggerScopes.BLOGGER+"");

Job losses hit 1 million

Canada expects coronavirus deaths to soar;  Canada's coronavirus death toll is set to soar from more than 500 currently to as high as 22,000 by the end of the pandemic.

P.E.I. senators call on Ottawa to incentivise farming jobs during COVID-19

Griffin said even those that do make it to Canada will have to self-isolate for two weeks when they arrive.

Canada lost 1 million jobs in March

The COVID-19 pandemic decimated one million jobs in Canada in March.

ChromeDriver can't click a moving element

This is not a supported feature of ChromeDriver. If the element eventually stops, wait for that to occur. If the element never stops moving, ChromeDriver does not guarantee the click will be successful.

Selenium IDE Common Commands

open assertTitle / VerifyTitle AssertForElementPresent / VerifyForElementPresent AssertForTextPresent / VerifyForTextPresent type / typeAndWait / sendKeys click /clickAt / clickAndWait waitForPageToLoad waitForElementPresent chooseOkOnNextConfirmation / chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation

Selenium IDE allows the user to specify a start point within a test script.

The start point points to the test step from where we wish to start the test script execution. Start point can be used at times when we do not desire to execute the entire test script starting from the beginning rather we customize the script to execute from a certain step.

Locators in Selenium

By CSS ID: find_element_by_id By CSS class name: find_element_by_class_name By name attribute: find_element_by_name By DOM structure or xpath: find_element_by_xpath By link text: find_element_by_link_text By partial link text: find_element_by_partial_link_text By HTML tag name: find_element_by_tag_name

There are two kinds of Selenium waits

Implicit wait - used to set the default waiting time throughout the program Explicit wait - used to set the waiting time for a particular instance only Implicit Wait It is simpler to code than Explicit Waits. It is usually declared in the instantiation part of the code. Explicit Wait Explicit waits are done using the WebDriverWait and ExpectedCondition classes. For the following example, we shall wait up to 10 seconds for an element whose id is "username" to become visible before proceeding to the next command. 

Selenium locating elements

Variation Description Sample By. className finds elements based on the value of the "class" attribute findElement(By.className("someClassName")) By. cssSelector finds elements based on the driver's underlying CSS Selector engine findElement(By.cssSelector("input#email")) By. id locates elements by the value of their "id" attribute findElement("someId"))     By. linkText finds a link element by the exact text it displays findElement(By.linkText("REGISTRATION"))     By. name locates elements by the value of the "name" attribute findElement("someName"))     By. partialLinkText locates elements that contain the given link text findElement(By.partialLinkText("REG"))     By. tagName locates elements by their tag name findElement(By.tagName("div"))     By. xpath locates elements via XPath findElement(By.xpath("//html/body/div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/table/   tbody/tr[4]/td/t

Connecting your WordPress site to Google

Connecting your WordPress site If you're new to AdSense, one of your first tasks is to  connect your site to AdSense . We highly recommend you use  Site Kit for WordPress by Google . Site Kit can connect your WordPress site to your AdSense account and place the AdSense code on all your pages for you. So you can show ads automatically across your site. What is Site Kit? Site Kit  is a free, open-source plugin for WordPress that helps you access unified metrics and insights from  Google AdSense ,  Google Analytics ,  Google Search Console , and  PageSpeed Insights  directly from your WordPress account.

Fixed git fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

Using the --allow-unrelated-histories flag worked with a pull request in this way: git pull origin branchname --allow-unrelated-histories

driver.close() vs driver.quit()

driver.close() The driver.close() command is used to close the current focused browser tab. In case there is only one browser open then calling driver.close() quits the whole browser session. It is best to use driver.close() when we are dealing with multiple browser tabs or windows e.g. when we click on a link that opens another tab. In this case after performing required action in the new tab, if we want to close the tab we can call the driver.close() method. //Closing the single tab driver.close(); driver.quit() The driver.quit() is used to quit the whole browser session along with all the associated browser windows, tabs and pop-ups. It is best to use driver.quit() when we no longer want to interact with the driver object along with any associated window, tab or pop-up. Generally, it is one of the last statements of the automation scripts. In case, we are working with Selenium with TestNG or JUnit, we call driver.quit() in the @AfterSuite method of our suite. Thus, closing it at the

Installing chocolatey on Windows

Install chocolatey/choco on Windows 10 Click Start and type “powershell“ Right-click Windows Powershell and choose “Run as Administrator“ Paste the following command into Powershell and press enter. Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; `   iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) Answer Yes when prompted Close and reopen an elevated PowerShell window to start using choco Example usage: choco install chromedriver choco uninstall git

Selenium supports Java

Programs written in Java are faster than other popular languages like Python Java is more widely used in commercial applications as compared to other programming languages like Python and hence integrating Selenium tests it easier

Run Selenium Automated Test

Selenium is the first thing that comes to mind when one is planning to automate the testing of web applications. Selenium is a beneficial tool because it is not only open source but also a portable software testing framework for web applications that support multiple languages like Java, C#, Ruby, Python. Choosing the right language depends on the application under test, the supporting community, available test automation frameworks, usability, elegance, and of course, seamless build integration.

Creating an XML Sitemap in WordPress using Yoast SEO

The easiest way to create an XML sitemap in WordPress is by using the Yoast SEO plugin. It is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market offering you a comprehensive set of tools to optimize your blog posts for SEO. First, you need to install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin. Upon activation, go to SEO » General page and switch to the 'Features' tab. From here, you need to scroll down to the 'XML Sitemap' option and make sure that it is turned on.

Import Blogger to WordPress

To start importing your Blogger site into WordPress, you need to login to your WordPress admin area and visit Tools » Import. On the Import page, go ahead and click on the 'Install Now' link below Blogger.

Jenkins has a built-in command line interface that allows you to access Jenkins from a script or from your shell.

Jenkins CLI is convenient for automation of routine tasks, bulk updates, trouble diagnosis, and so on. This interface is accessed via the Jenkins CLI client, which is a Java JAR file distributed with Jenkins.

SSL for Your Website

Data of your visitors is protected SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypts and protects all data that your website exchanges with visitors - such as personal data, login data, credit card information and e-mail addresses. This means that third parties have no access to this data. Confidence in your website is strengthened Your visitors recognize the SSL encryption by the SSL logo in the address bar of your browser and by the character string https:// in front of your domain. With SSL encryption you set a sign and show your visitors that security and protection of their data are your first priority. Better ranking with Google and other search engines SSL encryption is rated positively by Google and other search engines, resulting in better ranking of your site in search results.

Office 365 collaboration applications include:

Word: Word processing with multiple users Excel: Spreadsheets with multiple users PowerPoint: Prepare presentations with multiple users Outlook: Share appointments, calendars and tasks with team members Teams: Communicate with colleagues Access: Create databases with multiple users OneNote: Share notes with other users OneDrive: Shared cloud storage

Gauge is a free and open source framework for writing and running acceptance tests

Some of the key features of Gauge that makes it unique include: Simple, flexible and rich syntax based on Markdown. Consistent cross platform/language support for writing test code. A modular architecture with plugins support Extensible through plugins and hackable. Supports data driven execution and external data sources Helps you create maintainable test suites Great support for VS Code

Gauge is a free and open source framework for writing and running acceptance tests,+flexible+and+rich+syntax+based+on+Markdown.%0AConsistent+cross+platform/language+support+for+writing+test+code.%0AA+modular+architecture+with+plugins+support%0AExtensible+through+plugins+and+hackable.%0ASupports+data+driven+execution+and+external+data+sources%0AHelps+you+create+maintainable+test+suites%0AGreat+support+for+VS+Code%0A

systemd does not run correctly within a docker container

systemd does not run correctly within a docker container, due to a whole set of reasons, i.e. the lack of the correct privileges. You can read up on that in a variety of github issues on the docker project like running systemd inside docker arch container hangs or segfaults and related issues regarding init/process monitoring.

Google reverse image search

Google's reverse image search is a useful tool to find details of the image owner .  Simply upload the file or paste the image link into and follow the results to see where else the image lives online. From there, you should be able to ascertain ownership information.

Install SpamAssassin on CentOS/RHEL/Oracle Linux

sudo dnf install spamassassin The binary installed by the spamassassin package is called spamd, which will be listening on TCP port 783 on the local host. By default, the spamassassin systemd service is disabled, you can enable auto start at boot time with: sudo systemctl enable spamassassin Then start SpamAssassin. sudo systemctl start spamassassin [ec2-user@ip-172-31-5-206 ~]$ sudo ss -ant | grep 783 LISTEN   0         128         * LISTEN   0         128                   [::1]:783                 [::]:* [ec2-user@ip-172-31-5-206 ~]$ sudo -i lsof -i TCP:783 COMMAND    PID USER   FD   TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME /usr/bin/ 7556 root    5u  IPv4  44647      0t0  TCP localhost:783 (LISTEN) /usr/bin/ 7556 root    6u  IPv6  44649      0t0  TCP localhost6:783 (LISTEN) spamd     7558 root    5u  IPv4  44647      0t0  TCP localhost:783 (LISTEN) spamd     7558 root    6u  IPv6  44649      0t0  TCP localhost6:783 (LISTEN) spamd     7559 root    5u  I

On Unix-like operating systems, the readlink command prints the value of a symbolic link, or canonical file name. This document describes the GNU / Linux version of readlink.

Example: readlink -f $( which nc )