Digital Marketing

How to fix: Error 1001: CNAME a domain not on CloudFlare to a domain that is on CloudFlare

Trying to use a CNAME to redirect traffic for a domain not on CloudFlare to a domain that is on CloudFlare will create a DNS resolution error like the following:

Error 1001 Ray ID: 1587aee6688a0888

DNS resolution error

What happened?
You've requested a page on a website ( that is on the CloudFlare network. CloudFlare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain ( There are two potential causes of this:
  • Most likely: if the owner just signed up for CloudFlare it can take a few minutes for the website's information to be distributed to our global network.
  • Less likely: something is wrong with this site's configuration. Usually this happens when accounts have been signed up with a partner organization (e.g., a hosting provider) and the provider's DNS fails.

Since CloudFlare is a reverse proxy for the domain that is on CloudFlare, the CNAME redirect for the domain (not on CloudFlare) wouldn't know where to send the traffic to.

If you would still like to do a redirect for the site not on CloudFlare, then you should establish a traditional 301 or 302 redirect on your server.


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