Digital Marketing

How to make money from your website

The most profitable ways to monetize your site are CPM ads, CPC ads, CPA ads, direct sales of ad space, and selling merchandise/goods/services.

Generate “Leads” for other companies

Generating leads means you help other organisations or companies to make money. It can be a simple e-mail submit or telephone number, a lead is a lead.

CPM ads (an abbreviation for Cost Per Thousand)
For sites with lots of traffic the choice better and some of the good options are,TribalFusion, CasaleMedia, and ValueClick because these CPM rates are good. AdBrite, AdToll, Right Media, and BurstMedia are also good.

CPC ads (an abbreviation from Cost Per Click)

CPA (an abbreviation from Cost Per Action)

Direct Sales of Ads

Sell Merchandise/Goods/Services

CafePress is one of the best places where you can sell merchandise with your logo and the greatest thing is that they print on demand, which means you don't have to keep your merchandise in stock.


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