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How to install crcmod

CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora

  To compile and install crcmod:

    sudo yum install gcc python-devel python-setuptools
    sudo easy_install -U pip
    sudo pip uninstall crcmod
    sudo pip install -U crcmod

  Debian and Ubuntu

  To compile and install crcmod:

    sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev python-setuptools
    sudo easy_install -U pip
    sudo pip uninstall crcmod
    sudo pip install -U crcmod

  Mac OS X

  gsutil distributes a pre-compiled version of crcmod for OS X, so you shouldn't
  need to compile and install it yourself. If for some reason the pre-compiled
  version is not being detected, please let the Google Cloud Storage team know
  (see "gsutil help support").

  To compile manually on OS X, you will first need to install
  `XCode <>`_ and then run:

    sudo easy_install -U pip
    sudo pip install -U crcmod


  An installer is available for the compiled version of crcmod from the Python
  Package Index (PyPi) at the following URL:

  MSI installers are available for the 32-bit versions of Python 2.6 and 2.7.


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