
Digital Marketing

HTTP/2 offers several improvements over the earlier version, HTTP/1.1

Prioritization: Developers have detailed control over the order in which content loads. This maximizes page load speed across different browsers. Certain resources (render-blocking resources) no longer block the rest of the page from loading.

Python Testing Frameworks

Python offers several testing frameworks. Here are three common ones: unittest: A built-in framework inspired by Java’s JUnit. It provides test discovery, fixtures, and assertions. Pytest: A popular third-party framework known for its simplicity, powerful features, and concise syntax. Pytest automatically discovers and runs tests. doctest: A lightweight framework that extracts test cases from docstrings. It’s useful for testing examples in documentation

Running Python Scripts

To create and run Python scripts: Download Python (it’s free!). Create a script file with the extension .py. Add your Python code to the file. Open your terminal or command prompt. Type python followed by the path to your script file. Execute the script by pressing Enter

Python for Automation

Python is a popular programming language for task automation due to several factors: Simplicity and Intuitiveness: Python’s syntax is easy to read and comprehend, making it accessible even for beginners. Data Structures Support: Python offers various data structures (such as lists and dictionaries) and allows users to create custom data structures, facilitating data management. Extensive Libraries: Python comes with a vast set of libraries that enable automation across various domains, including machine learning and operating system management. Its large support network ensures answers to most automation questions are readily available online

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit.

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. Wilma Rudolph American sprinter and Olympic medalist

Symmetric Encryption and Decryption with a key file

Generate a random 256-bit key To generate a random 256-bit key using /dev/urandom, you can directly extract the random data without the need for additional hashing. Here’s how you can do it: $ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/path/to/your/keyfile bs=1 count=32 In this command: if=/dev/urandom specifies the input source as /dev/urandom. of=/path/to/your/keyfile specifies the output file where your key will be saved. bs=1 sets the block size to 1 byte. count=32 specifies that we want 32 bytes (256 bits) of random data. Example: $ dd if=/dev/urandom of=symmetric_keyfile.key bs=1 count=32 Encryption We can use this command to encrypt the sample.txt file: $ openssl enc -in sample.txt -out sample.txt.enc -e -aes256 -pbkdf2 -kfile symmetric_keyfile.key Decryption $ openssl enc -in sample.txt.enc -out sample_decrypted.txt -d -aes256 -pbkdf2  -kfile symmetric_keyfile.key

gdebi-core is a simple tool to install deb packages on Ubuntu and Debian systems.

gdebi-core can resolve and install the dependencies of local deb packages, as well as the build-depends of local debian/control files. It is a command-line utility that can be used with the gdebi command. Some of the advantages of using gdebi-core are: It can handle multiple deb packages at once, unlike dpkg. It can automatically download and install the required dependencies from the official repositories, unlike dpkg. It can check the compatibility and integrity of the deb packages before installing them, unlike dpkg. It can also install the recommended and suggested packages, if desired, unlike apt. Some of the disadvantages of using gdebi-core are: It can only install local deb packages, not remote ones, unlike apt. It can only install deb packages that are compatible with the current system, not older or newer ones, unlike dpkg. It can only install deb packages that are available in the official repositories, not third-party ones, unless the corresponding sources are added, unlike